Nos produits
Des pierres naturelles, aux comptoirs en stratifiés, notre gamme de produits a tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour trouver la solution parfaite pour vos besoins de comptoirs.
Quartz is a man-made engineered stone. It is formed with 90-93% ground quartz and 7-10% resins, polymers, and pigments. This forms a very hard granite-like surface and is non-porous.
Surface Solide
Pierre naturelle
Granite is a natural stone created by mother nature. It’s beauty is it’s character, no 2 slabs will be alike. It is heat-resistant and scratch resistant. It is however porous and needs to be sealed.
Comptoir en bois
Laminate countertops are very cost effective. They offer a wide variety of colors, textures and patterns, often mimicking real stone.
Acier inoxydable
Notre processus
Nous avons toutes les ressources sous un seul toit pour simplifier le processus.